Sunday, February 23, 2014

"A Stitch in Time" : Or Never Trust Anyone Under 30

In the 60's there was a saying : Never trust anyone over thirty.

It was because the younger generation was learning that what the established hierarchy was doing or telling everyone was misleading.

Young people don't like hearing what older people want to say to them.

But what if listening meant you had a future in a drop dead beautiful non-stop amazing body?  Would you listen?

Carolyn Erikson 1st Place 45+ Figure Gold Coast Muscle Classic 2014

On February 7, I met Carolyn Erikson.

Holy moly.  It started like this and then just got better.  I was sitting in the conference room for a pre-show workshop to explain to newbies how to be in a body building or muscle show.  I spend my life around  fitness  people. I have for decades.  I have a built in register of body composition, structure, carriage, body language, attitude, proprioceptive skill level, nearly neurological interconnectiveness and psychology.  Give me a few more years, I will get there.  So, I didn't really see anything  outstanding in the entire room.  I saw a  lot of good and great but not outstanding.  Then I saw this forearm that had tight thin skin, great muscle tone and vascularity.  It turned out to be a female I suspected was 35 or so.

Later I spoke to her.  She was 49.  No way?! Awesome!  And impressive.

When I spoke to Carolyn, it turned out she had a long history in fitness with a broad spectrum of variety and she was bright as well as modest.

I wanted to share her photo and describe meeting her because she is evidence.  Everyone is evidence of how they live making them whatever they are at that  moment.  Carolyn is evidence that fitness and intelligence can lead to exceptional physique and happy beautiful longevity.  Her condition shows that making exercise integral element of daily living is well worth what it takes in time and effort.

So please meet Carolyn's photo.  Please think that choosing sensible foods and portions over a lifetime and staying active and challenging your body are good choices.  Please share these proven beliefs with those you care to see a happy future together along side you and plan your next workout.

Consider this even if you are not anywhere near 50 yet.  This kind of build never happens by accident or through complacency or neglect.  And it isn't overniight.  It is a lifetime of good behavior, actions and decisions.

A stitch in time saves nine: A  workout today saves having to repair and rescue a neglected weak overweight undeveloped human form tomorrow at great labor and greuling   odds of success.


  1. nice Nina - I love this ... thank you

  2. Carolyn always had a smile on her face & a positive outlook on life. So accomplishing what she has is no surprise. Congratulations Carolyn. When I'm running and I want to give up and walk, I keep see you in this picture that you posted on your facebook page when you won. It gives me the kick in the butt that I need. It tells me that no matter your age you CAN look good. Thank you Carolyn.
